recently a certain someone was saying not very nice things about me, and im not ok with that. Im a 28 year old man and im not one to talk behind anyones back. so please if you have a problem, and true problem with myself please talk to me about it. i think i can say with confidence that i havent crossed anyones path here other than to do some enjoyable gaming and playful banter. i really enjoy rolling with you guys like the wolves that we are and terrorizing rooms with our quick snap decisoins and communication skills in game. im former member of a Legendary clan from way back in the days of Diablo and never have i seen so many member get along with eachother. so please id like it to stay that way its all fun on a video game, id rather be doing this that getting piss drunk all day everyday this keeps my crazy but from getting into touble. thanks everyone...
2 posters
Starting to get ticked....
crashcringle- Posts : 65
Join date : 2011-06-27
Age : 62
Location : boyton beach fl
- Post n°2
Re: Starting to get ticked....
well sir if there's thing's going around you should bring myself and shelling into a lobbie and lets take care of this before it gets out of hand thats what we are here fore . to manage thing you have a problem with anyone in this clan your to bring it to myself or shelling .tks crash