I know a lot of you are hearing that Agc forum has been hacked. This is not true. All the council has met and talked with the other main founder of AGC whos name is Jackyal for you that dont know him, the decision to remove swampgoon,fallen angel and subzero was a group decision. They were trying to change things in Agc that would take the power away from the wardens. We as leaders do not want agc ran that way. If anyone is confused or concerned please talk to your warden as we have already talked to them. We still have complete control over the forum bored and I repeat it has Not been hacked. Fallen and swamp and sub are just upset because they were removed and that is understandable, they were treated like any other member that would try to over power everyone else and it was handled in the nicest way possible. Thanks for your time reading this and everyone just hang in there it will be better than ever. Happy Gaming.
3 posters
crashcringle- Posts : 65
Join date : 2011-06-27
Age : 62
Location : boyton beach fl
- Post n°2
WELL now that is said and done just to let you all know (YOU WOULD HAVE TO COME HERE WHERE I LIVE AND KILL ME FOR REAL BEFORE I LEAVE AGC!!!!!!!!)so dont even think that you'll get one foot in the front door cuz (BANG U DEAD )!! and that isn't no joke. so do I need to say more !! (ANYBODY)!!! didn't think so .. AGC is here for all members that want to be here ..and like we said in the past and future any problems talk to your warden..and cheifs... tks for your time tks crash
DeciduousAbyss- Posts : 43
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 30
Location : Higgins, TX
- Post n°3
I agree with my Chief on this one. i happen to like agc a lot and no one would be able to move me >.> Unless up the ranks